January 16, 2012

Dressing up Birthday Bags

Brown paper bags can be boring and make you think of elementary school lunch bags. Well, they can be used for gifts too and they will be transformed into a super cute brown bag as long as you dress it up. After your gift bag is complete I'm positive your gift will get the attention of all, probably will be opened before anyone else's gift even.
*paper brown bag
*A hole puncher
*ribbon or tulle
*puffy paints
*glitter glue
*loose glitter

Take your brown paper bag and start by writing the name of the person you will be gifting this to, I choose markers by crayola because they are thick enough to give a bolder look. Now go over the name with a puffy paint any color of your choice. I like to create a design concept by adding two or three dots before adding a line to connect the dots and outlining the shape of the letters but you can come up with your own style or try mine. Repeat this for all the letters and now let it dry. Once, its dry you can choose another color for the star across the name, Since my friend likes the color pink i choose black puffy paint to accent. Take your glitter glue and start drawing a star but your only going to draw half the star so it will look as if the other half of the star is behind the name.

Cut just enough to make a bow in either the tulle or ribbon, squeeze the ribbon through one of the wholes you punched out of the bag and then through the other starting from the back so once you tie the bow is in front. Simply an eye catching bag for any event.

Another example

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